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- Elric: King of  Immryr -


Elric of Melniboné, is a book saga written by Michael Moorcock in 1961 .The story takesplace way before our era,

in a kingdom that has ruled the earth for thousands of centuries.

Its people, known to turn human into slaves and to feast from them.

A dark and fantasy story that as pionnered the genre.


This project is based on the first Books. The goal was : create 3 different costumes for the main character,

as if an movie adaptation of the books were to be made.


Ceremonial wear

This costume is the first one that appears in the book. it's a ceremonial costume, Elris being the king, it's supposed to be luxurius an representative of the cultur. the costume is inspired fromt he bizantin era, having overall a more oriental approach to the design.

King seats on the throne of ruby, the red notes will then be reminded throughout the different costume. the motifs and crown shape language are inspired by the insect shapes because the kingdom is ruled by the law of Choas and the god of Chaos is represented by an insect.


Elric is an albino, he is also very fragile. His mane characteristic being: uprigh, bored, empathic and depressed.

Battle Armor

The armor is inspired by the indo persian era, it's a very robust armor. In the book they've domesticated dragons, and so some of this shapes languanges can be found in there.

And the general shape is inspired by the horsman armor. Elric is a mercyless warrior especialy if stormbringer takes control making him unhinge.

He's also a magician hence bringing the attention to the hands.

the crown, the helmet and strombringer are made from the same material.

You can still see some of the from the ceremonial costume.

Here you can see some slight alteration of the final design.

White Wolf  Wear

The white wolf is the period when Elric leave his kingdom and became a vagabond. this costume is inspired by the mongolian clothing.

Elric travels a lots, so the clothe needs to adapt to the climate. It's much more simple and primary compare to the other two costumes.

He has stripped himself of the caracteristic of his culture since he has abandonned his kingdom.

He's traveling through the human kingdom, so it's also a bit more grounded compare to the others.


Stormbringer is a sword that's been created by the god a chaos Arioch. She has a "twin" : mournblade.

These sword hold demons in them giving them "consciousness/free will" so they don't always abay their owners.

the power of stormbringer is to suck the vital energy of its opponent and give it to its owner.


It's made from the same metal as the crown and helmet, with an ivory handle covered with runes and magic stones

It's a bit longer than a classical saber,

it's unpleasant to use and threatening.

The different casing made to carry stormbringer,

but they make it hard to unsheathe her,

because strombringer is blooddthirsty and

will be the death of many spouth

and friend of Elric. So the casing are made to "control"



The runes are in the handle so that they can be in contact with the palm of the hand and transmit power.

Research Process

After the moodboard and research are done,  I start with a quick photobashing of my references to get a general mood and direction to my design.

Then after defining the general design with quick iteration, I start modeling the character in 3d. For the clothing i use marvelous on top of a Daz3d model.

Once i have a rough 3d base, I'll go back in 2D to iterate on the tertiary details and coulors and other motif.

the 3d always me to have a clean base an to work the design in it's entirety.

Then when I'm settle on the tertiary details, I'll model some of them so that i've got a maximum of information for the painting.

And I'll polish the model, clean the posing, and prepare the 3d scene for the render.

For the keyshot, i'll do quick line thumbnail to define the composition. Then i'll work directly with the camera in my 3d scene, do quick render to do color key on top. After that i'll go one last time in 3d to render my proper scene befor starting to paint.

Layer 2.png
Concept Artist

Concept Artist





My name is Laurine, I'm 21 years old. I'm an aspiring concept artist. I'm specialized in chara-design.
I'm heavily inspired by music, fashion and movies. In my work I tend to lean toward fantasy, horror.
I usuly do thorough research and I always try to think outside the box.

My goal is to enter the film/motion design industry, and to one day be at the head of a big project.



Game Art Project

This project was made for the Game art section of New3dge, it's an horror game. We had 6 weeks to design an abyssal mermaid, matriarch, male, children and eggs and the poor crewmates that had the unfortune to meet them.

> Teaming with Arthur RIPERT


Game Art team :
Alexis Arnould, Alice Bigey, Mahina Barthez, Noémie Monin, Benoît Sablé, William Tomasi


Thanks to all the amazing teachers I had at New3dge, especially George Varodi, Ayran Roberto and Nils CARSTENS ( and Steven Bagatzky ) for helping during this last project.


Thanks to Fabien ROUMAZEILLES and Aurélien FOURNIER for giving this amazing opportunity that is the concept art class.


And thanks to all my classmates for holding on together during these tough but noneless great years.



See you soon!

Special Thanks
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