“Cowboy Bebop : Childhood Blue” is a live action adaptation of the 80’s classical anime “Cowboy Bebop”. I created several key frames and researches.
Spike the main character tries to find a young kidnaped girl, his investigation will lead him to some Mafia lair. Through the inquiry he will meet Faye and a monkey named Tony who will soon help him to find the missing girl.
The Mafia Pub : Final keyframe, black and white compositions and color key iteration.
The Chase: Final keyframe, black and white compositions and early cadillac landspeeder ideas.
The Space portal: Final key frame and fx idea.
Hi, I’m a young concept artist, after a few experiences in video game studios,
I entered the New3dge concept art degree.
It was an amazing opportunity to learn from talented professionals, learn industry suited processes and push further my skills.
Here are some portfolio pieces I did during the past two years. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Hope: Visual development and keyframe.
Hope VFXteam : Ryoma Leneuf Benjamin Autour Gabriel Martinez
Nicolas Daguin Guillaume Uchoa Arthur Bollia
Odium: Visual development and keyframe.
Odium GameArt team : Adrien Lemoine Thibault Pasquier Pierre Sébastien
Julien Benyahia Lucille Fournié Paul Bellier
special thanks:
This would not have been possible without the amazing lessons of my teachers, the valuable support of New3dge staff and my family during this lock down period, and obviously all my talented friends and classmates with whom we shared tips, knowledge and feedback during the past two years.
Thank you!